Paediatric and Child Health Association of Malawi
First Annual PACHA Conference:
Using a Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Improve Child Health Outcomes Throughout Malawi
Dates: 22-24 September 2017 Location: Ufulu Gardens Hotel, Lilongwe
Discovery science |
Case studies |
Implementation science |
Proposed research |
Unique cases |
Practice improvement |
Completed research |
Innovative care approaches |
Proposed models |
Will consider all submissions on research, proposed research (e.g. protocols), and case studies relevant to paediatrics and child health, especially those focused on multidisciplinary care
Providers: physicians, nurses, clinical officers, allied health personnel, non-clinician researchers, trainees, and students are all encouraged to submit
Awards will be presented in student, trainee and professional categories
Abstract submission instructions:
1 page maximum (1 inch margins, 12-font Times Roman/Arial),
Discovery and implementation research/proposals should include background, objective, methods, results, and conclusion.
Case studies should include patient case, discussion, and teaching point.
Submissions and queries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.