Paediatric and Child Health Association of Malawi


First Annual PACHA Conference:

Using a Multidisciplinary Team Approach to Improve Child Health Outcomes Throughout Malawi




Dates: 22-24 September 2017 Location: Ufulu Gardens Hotel, Lilongwe


Discovery science

Case studies

Implementation science

Proposed research

Unique cases

Practice improvement

Completed research

Innovative care approaches

Proposed models


Will consider all submissions on research, proposed research (e.g. protocols), and case studies relevant to paediatrics and child health, especially those focused on multidisciplinary care


Providers: physicians, nurses, clinical officers, allied health personnel, non-clinician researchers, trainees, and students are all encouraged to submit


Awards will be presented in student, trainee and professional categories




Abstract submission instructions:

1 page maximum (1 inch margins, 12-font Times Roman/Arial),

Discovery and implementation research/proposals should include background, objective, methods, results, and conclusion.

Case studies should include patient case, discussion, and teaching point.


Submissions and queries to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.